

Downloading AntsInFields

Felix Friedrich

People with no Oberon experience do probably want to download this version:
Windows (95,98,NT,XP,2000,ME) installer of AntsInFields (together with ETH Oberon and Voyager) is located here: www.antsinfields.de/download/windows

Ants and Voyager are now contained in the distribution of the Active Object System (AOS) for Windows (http://www.winaos.de)

Recall the copyrights:
Voyager and AntsInFields are both distributed under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License (LGPL) as published by the Free Software Foundation. The operating system Oberon is distributed under an own copyright of the ETH Zürich. For details see the copyright text (www.antsinfields.de/copyrights.txt) and the full version of the LGPL (www.antsinfields.de/LGPL.txt).


Last edited: 2005-01-25 fof.