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Our implementation

The algorithms available on this website depend on a technique that allows a convenient control of the angular resolution of the wedgelet scheme. Given an arbitrary angle $\theta$, we consider a decomposition of the image domain into parallel digitized lines all having angle $\theta$ with the horizontal axis. Then the (costly) first step of the minimization procedure is performed for all wedges arising by a split along one of these lines, using lookuptables. Angles can be treated consecutively, which keeps the allocation efforts within reasonable bounds. The number of angles enters linearly into the computation time. Thus our implementation allows an arbitrary transition

Let us quickly give an overview of the features, as they are accessible in the panel. The main purpose of the panel is to provide a platform for the convenient experimentation with wedgelets, with a rapid and convenient visualization of the results. We now give a short description of the panel; confer the page for a screenshot.

Figure 2: IBB North. $640 \times 480$ (a) Original image, (b) (b) locally constant approximation using 1000 wedges (c) locally affine approximation using 1000 parameters.
Image ibbnorth
Image ibbnorth_640x480_1000w
Image ibbnorth_640x480_lw333

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