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Welcome to www.wedgelet.de

This is the homepage of the wedgelet project carried out at the Institute of Biomathematics and Biometry at GSF - National Research Center for Environment and Health near Munich.

The aim of this webpage is to make available software and related preprints regarding wedgelet segmentation of images. You can fetch a current version of the software in the download section. Additionally you find reports and preprints in the publications section.

Main contributors of the software are K.Wicker, F.Friedrich, L.Demaret, H.Führ and P.Poongpyiapaiboon. You may get in touch with us in the Contact section.

We are preparing a short guide to the topic and our implementation. A preliminary version of this introduction is available in html format at docu/wedgelet_short_guide/index.html or in pdf format at docu/wedgelet_short_guide.pdf.
